I personally always thought essential oils were just smelly, hippie liquid in a bottle that you might use in an oil burner or maybe in massage. I didn’t understand there were literally THOUSANDS of amazing uses for these precious little bottles of alchemy and light. They truly have changed our lives. Essential oils are 50-70 times more powerful than herbs. One drop of peppermint essential oil is equivalent to 28 cups of peppermint tea, so one drop can be extremely effective.
We use them for everything from cleaning, mood management, calming, making our own perfume, deodorant and air freshener (so that we aren’t using toxic, endocrine disrupting, damaging chemicals and synthetic fragrances), energy clearing, enhancing meditation, focus and clarity, enhancing the immune system, supporting the respiratory system and sinuses, soothing tension, supporting the body through Winter and other times environmental threats are high and just about anything you can think of.
So why do I personally choose to use dōTERRA essential oils? In short, I love their cō-impact sourcing model and that they choose to source the oils indigenously from their natural habitat while using ethical, sustainable practices and supporting farmers. I also choose them for their purity and potency, stringent practices and third party testing. It is important for me to know that each batch of oils is going to have the same therapeutic benefits as the last.

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10 Essential Oil Uses For Skin and Beauty

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Oil-Pulling Coconut Chews

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A Dozen Essential Oil Remedies You Should Try!

Essential oils, containing potent properties, are a versatile part of a natural medicine cabinet. When used correctly, they may be a great, natural option in our healthcare to support our body’s systems. Essential oils have a very small molecular size, which means that their healing properties are easily absorbed by the skin. […]


30 years ago I started having reactions to mosquito bites where I would get welts 2-3 inches in diameter. I found that dōTERRA essential oils of Lavender, Peppermint and Lemongrass stop the welts from occurring and also stop the itching within 5 minutes. I apply these three oils directly on the bites.
Julie Oakes

Julie Oakes

Civil Engineer

When most women are losing their hair during and after menopause, I'm actually gaining hair...besides it making my hair look healthier. I simply apply dōTERRA Rosemary essential oil to my scalp after every shampoo, while my hair is wet. It has caused such an increase in hair and hair growth that my hair is too heavy to just clamp up, even with a big metal clip. I recently too this pic after discovering that tying my hair in a knot makes it 90% easier to keep up. I don't dye my hair. There's some gray in there. I can't say enough about the benefits of dōTERRA Rosemary essential oil.
Tessa Brantley

Tessa Brantley

Art School Model